Industrial Belt & Bucket Elevators
Perry of Oakley Ltd. have a wide range of belt & bucket elevators available, whether you are looking for seed elevators, budget elevators, high capacity elevators we are sure to have an elevator to suit every customers’ needs.
Capacities of industrial belt & bucket elevators range from 100tph to 1000tph on wheat at 750kg/m³ suitable for full commercial use. Elevators are available in both single and double lift, and each one can be easily converted to be made suitable for seed handling. All Perry elevators are manufactured in durable galvanised steel to increase life span, and each elevator model has a wide range of optional extras available. Vee belt drives to shaft mounted gearboxes are supplied as standard, with an option of 90 degree gear unit drives also available. Gearboxes arrive prefilled with lubricant to enable a quick and easy installation.
Key Points
- Stainless steel / galvanised steel / mild steel powder coat painted construction options.
- Head shaft, pulley and bearing assembly easily removed in one piece.
- Shafts fitted nylon or felt shaft seals as standard.
- Belt tensioning by adjustable boot shaft.
- Solid crowned head drum as standard – boot drums slatted as standard with other configurations available depending on product requirements.
- Large removable inspection panel for maintenance and efficient installation of the belt and bucket assembly.
- Flanged inlets and outlets.
- Boot and head shell are fitted with large access doors to enable easy cleaning.
- Seed boot option available with elevator boot on a short stand and a clean out tray for removal of residue.
- Self-cleaning boot options also available to further minimize the amount of residue left in an elevator.
- Buckets are Super Starco style with mild steel as standard, with options of HDP, stainless steel or Zytel nylon.
- Explosion panels available to suit ATEX requirements.
- Fully ATEX compliant machines can be supplied.
- Belting as standard is EP belting with bolted on buckets.
- Full range of rotation, belt alignment and bearing temperature sensors can be supplied.
- Careful head and cap design allows for maximum output for size of bucket used.
Suitable Products
We have a wide variety of optional extras for our bucket elevators, ensuring we can meet the requirements of our customers for various applications.
- Inlet hopper (with or without slide).
- Weather proofing.
- Access platform and ladder.
- Soaker flange.
- Slow centrifugal and gravity feed.
Agricultural Belt & Bucket Elevators
Capacities of the agricultural belt & bucket elevators range from 11tph to 150tph. Elevator models are available in both single and double lift, and each one can be easily converted to be made suitable for seed handling. All elevators are manufactured in durable galvanised steel to increase life span, and each elevator model has a wide range of optional extras available, ensuring each Perry elevator is manufactured suited to individual requirements.
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