
The Perry CentriKleen is the simple solution to your drier’s dust & chaff problems. If you have had enough of your yards, roofs or equipment being covered in dust, chaff and fines then the Perry CentriKleen is the solution you have been looking for. This is the biggest step forward in allowing farms, stores & other industries to cost-effectively collect the dust emitted by their driers.

Key Points

CentriKleens can be installed on our Savannah Series & Mistral Series Continuous Mixed Flow Driers,  our Belt Driers and other makes of driers that have axial fans*.


  • No additional motor power required.
  • Up to 95% of visible dust, chaff and fines collected.
  • Does not require additional steel support.**
  • No moving parts.
  • All galvanized.
  • Particulates can be collected into a trailer, dust box or building.
  • Two models currently available to suit 1m and 1.25m diameter axial fans.

Harper Adams University, a leading Agricultural University in the UK have independently assessed the Performance of the CentriKleens, and a full report is available upon request.

* Subject to fan survey & test
** Periodic access is required for cleaning

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